Wine play windows games on mac
Wine play windows games on mac

wine play windows games on mac

I’m kind of tempted to avoid 10 if I can do it because, for example, if for some reasons I want to use DBT to work at home instead of going to work, what we have at work, I’ll get compatibility issues. I wonder now what’s the best version of Windows to use. And some online Crazy Party with friends. At the moment, I basically play VGStorm’s games, both Manamons and Paladin of the Sky. I know how to use windows and NVDA, I use Windows and Jaws at work, but I don’t plan to put Jaws in this machine since I know I’ll use the Mac side and VO for emails, Web research and many other things. I just have to figure out how to do the whole thing when I get my new macbook. If you can get some technical sighted help Bootcamp might still be the way to go, as I recall the dual boot process isn't entirely accessible, but that might have changed. You'll still need to buy Windows normally. All in all, not super easy, but it does work. The interactions between the two operating systems can be pretty ideosyncratic, it takes awhile to get used to, especially if you're using screen readers, but you can install NVDA in Windows once you get it installed. It can also be a bit slower than bare metal, but that shouldn't matter too much for audiogames. It takes up a TON of hard drive space, Windows just keeps downloading random stuff all the time, so keep that in mind. VirtualBox lets you install Windows virtually as if it were a computer with no OS on it already. Then you need a key, or whatever Microsoft is using tese days (probably still a key). In broad strokes, you need to find an ISO or similar file that is an image of Windows that you could theoretically burn onto a USB or CD, basically the file you need to install Windows. You can use Virtualbox to virtualize Windows, but you will absolutely need to be tech savvy to do this, and I think I might have used my low vision to do most of it a few years ago, not sure what the state of access is in the software.

Wine play windows games on mac