Attiny88 wire library
Attiny88 wire library

Uint8_t TWI_SendData(uint8_t address, uint8_t *pData, uint8_t len) * Returns how many bytes have been sent, -1 means bus error*/ If ((TWI_GetStatus() = TWI_READY) & RX_acked())Įlse // did not get ACK after slave address Uint8_t TWI_SendN(uint8_t *pData, uint8_t len) * Returns how many bytes have been sent, -1 means bus error */ Return ((TWI_GetStatus() = TWI_READY) & RX_acked()) Uint8_t TWI_InitTransmission(uint8_t address, TWI_Direction dir) Actual status of the line O means ACK - 1 means NACK. * Returns 1 if the slave acknowleged the receipt and 0 if not */ * get here only in case of bus error or arbitration lost */ If (TWI0.MSTATUS & (TWI_WIF_bm | TWI_RIF_bm))Įlse if (TWI0.MSTATUS & (TWI_BUSERR_bm | TWI_ARBLOST_bm)) The entire code is at the end of the page. I tested this on an ATtiny412 3 but it should work for most devices of the ATtiny 0 and 1-series families. I wrote my TWI master library 2 that I will briefly explain below. I like to be familiar with the code I’m using and fully understand the basic functioning.

attiny88 wire library

Despite most of the operations are implemented in hardware, the user still needs to take care of some actions with software. Most of the newest microcontrollers offer dedicated peripherals to manage this interface efficiently.

attiny88 wire library attiny88 wire library

It’s a convenient method of connecting multiple devices on a serial protocol and a must-have knowledge for electronic projects. Many sensor ICs, displays and other microcontrollers can be connected by I2C 1 (or TWI - Two Wire Interface) using just two wires for clock and data. Simple and lighweight library for using the ATtiny 1-series TWI (I2C) peripheral.

Attiny88 wire library